Get good advice on home inspections from Lloyd...
Learn as much as you can about your investment during your professional Inspection—come along and ask questions.
For example, when you buy a house or condo you usually begin by looking at it’s good points. You might like it for its character, location or you might even have fallen in love with it’s patio or garden. But you need to be more hard-headed when you are making one of the greatest financial commitments of your life! Buy safe.
Purchasing Is An Investment
There are a number of important events and situations our home inspection services can be applied to. The more prominent include:
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Need more information and have questions? Contact C4U Inspections today
*Lloyd doesn't break the rules for anyone and as a leading chief home inspector in BC, that means he follows industry requirements, government regulations and licensing codes of conduct to the letter. Unbiased, ethical and professional home inspection and building consulation services.